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What are preservatives?

27,Jul 2022

Preservatives are a class of food additives that can inhibit microbial activity and prevent food spoilage. To make food have a certain preservation period, certain measures must be taken to prevent the infection and reproduction of microorganisms. Practice has proved that the use of preservatives is one of the most economical, effective and easiest ways to achieve the above purpose.

The principle of preservatives?

The preservative principles of preservatives are roughly as follows:

First, it interferes with the enzyme system of microorganisms, destroys its normal metabolism, and inhibits the activity of enzymes.

The second is to coagulate and denature the protein of microorganisms, interfering with their survival and reproduction.

The third is to change the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane, inhibit the elimination of enzymes and metabolites in the body, and cause its inactivation.

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