Product Description:
Trehalose, also known as Luluose and Mushroomose, is a non-reducing disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules. The structural formula is α-D-glucopyranosyl to α-D-glucopyranoside, and it often exists as a dihydrate compound, and the molecular formula is C12H22O11·2H2O.
product description
Trehalose has 3 optical isomers, namely α,α-trehalose (Mushroom Sugar), α,β-trehalose (new trehalose, Neotrehalose) and β,β-trehalose (isotrehalose). , Isotrehalose). Among them, only α,α-trehalose exists in a free state in nature, which is commonly known as trehalose, which is widely present in various organisms, including bacteria, yeast, fungi and algae, as well as some insects, invertebrates and Plants, especially yeast, contain a large amount of trehalose, and fermented foods such as bread and beer, as well as shrimp, etc. also contain trehalose. α,β- and β,β-forms are rare in nature, only small amounts of α,β-trehalose, α,β- and β,β-forms are found in honey and royal jelly Trehalose can be chemically synthesized.
Trehalose is the growth factor of beneficial intestinal bacteria-Bifidobacterium in the body. It can improve the intestinal micro-ecological environment, strengthen the digestion and absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract, effectively eliminate toxins in the body, and enhance the immune resistance of the body. Research has also proved that trehalose Has a strong anti-radiation effect. The scientific community calls trehalose "the sugar of life". Trehalose forms a unique protective film on the cell surface under harsh environmental conditions such as high temperature, high cold, high osmotic pressure and drying and dehydration, effectively protecting protein molecules from denaturation and inactivation. . Thereby maintaining the life process and biological characteristics of the living body.
Product properties
The molecular formula is C12H22O11·2H2O, white powdery crystal, the sweetness is equivalent to 45% of sucrose, easily soluble in water, hot ethanol, glacial acetic acid, but not easily soluble in ether and acetone. The solubility of trehalose in water varies significantly with temperature. Heat and acid resistant, with low moisture absorption and water retention.
Because this sugar has unique biological functions, it can effectively maintain the stability and integrity of intracellular biofilms, proteins and active peptides under adversity. It is praised as the sugar of life and can be widely used in biological preparations, medicine, food , health products, fine chemicals, cosmetics, feed and agricultural science and other industries.