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Classification of food additives?

27,Jul 2022

There are many ways to classify food additives:

(1) According to the source: there are two categories of natural food additives and artificial chemical synthesis. Natural food additives are divided into two types: those obtained by animal and plant extraction and those obtained by biotechnology methods by fermentation or enzymatic methods; chemical synthesis methods can be further divided into general chemical synthetic products and artificial synthetic natural equivalents, such as natural equivalent spices, natural Equivalent color, etc.

(2) According to the production method, there are three categories: chemical synthesis, biosynthesis (enzymatic and fermentation), and natural extracts.

(3) Classification by function and function: According to the “National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Use Standard” (GB 2760-2011) promulgated by China in 2011, it is divided into: acidity regulator, anti-caking agent according to its main functions. , defoamer, antioxidant, bleaching agent, leavening agent, base material in gum-based candy, colorant, color retention agent, emulsifier, enzyme preparation, flavor enhancer, flour treatment agent, coating agent, moisture retention agent , nutritional fortifiers, preservatives, stabilizers and coagulants, sweeteners, thickeners, food flavors, processing aids for food industry and others in a total of 23 categories. Because there are too many varieties of food spices listed separately, there is “Classification and Coding of Food Spices” (GB/T 14156-1993).

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