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About food additives

27,Jul 2022

Food additives refer to “chemically synthesized or natural substances added to food for the purpose of improving food quality, color, aroma and taste, as well as for preservation and processing needs”; Or artificially synthesized food additives that belong to the range of natural nutrients” are called “nutrient fortifiers”. Therefore, nutritional fortifiers obviously belong to the category of food additives. According to statistics, the total number of food additives developed in the world has reached more than 14,000, of which 3,000 are directly used and more than 680 are commonly used.

Food additives that are allowed to be used and are recognized by countries around the world are: preservatives, antioxidants, colorants, colorants, bleaching agents, sour agents, coagulants, thickeners, emulsifiers, bulking agents, sweeteners, quality improvement agents 15 categories such as agents, used in more than 500 kinds of food processing. From the perspective of food hygiene, food additives are firstly non-toxic and harmless, followed by color, aroma, taste, form and technological effect.


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